Stomal Therapy Week
23-29 June 2025
Ostomateship !
The AASTN is proud to present Stomal Therapy Week 2025 which will be held during the week of 23-29 June 2025 ! This year we will be celebrating the connection between ostomates and those who support them. These supporters include families, carers, ostomy associations, industry, stomal therapy nurses and other members of the health care team. We are delighted to announce that we will be collaborating with New Zealand stomal therapy nurses to spread this message across Australasia.
We have again teamed up with the amazing Australian graphic designer MJ Pureza (, who has created an image that brilliantly conveys the positive energy we wish to associate with Stomal Therapy Week.
We invite everyone to share the ‘Ostomateship’ message. A range of materials showcasing the message will be available for downloading soon, including a screensaver, posters and email footers (one with the STW dates and one without, so you can use it throughout the year). Stay tuned for the release of the artwork ! We are also arranging for you to be able to purchase Ostomateship merchandise from Red Bubble. These mugs, T-shirts, tote bags and note pads will feature the Ostomateship graphic and can be used in your local campaigns and as prizes or giveaways. The updated merchandise will be available from the beginning of April 2025. Link to Redbubble: Red Bubble AASTN Merch
Remember to ‘send us your selfies’ via [email protected] of your local campaigns.
Suggested activities to help celebrate National Stomal Therapy Week include:
- A display of information related to bowel and stomas. Perhaps a stall or table inside the foyer of your hospital or local shopping centre
- Wearing of promotional t-shirts or caps by Stomal Therapy Nurses, Surgeons and Colorectal Ward Staff
- Collaborate with local groups for joint activities to be held through the week eg Cancer Council, Stoma Support Groups, Crohn’s and Colitis Association – how can they help?
- Contact the local radio station – ‘Interview with an STN’
Look at some of the activities undertaken in previous years. Be sure to send us photos of your celebrations !
Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health district (Sam Julia and Brenda) & Wollongong Private Hospital (Helen).
National Stomal Therapy Week (NSTW) is designed to both acknowledge and provide support to people living with a stoma and recognise those health professionals and support agencies involved in their care. Stomal Therapy Nurses (STN’s) from around Australia are encouraged to recognise, publicise and celebrate this important event by participating in a variety of activities to promote healthier living for people with stomas and raise awareness of the role of the STN.
The AASTN is appreciative of the support provided to ostomates and STN’s from our industry partners in the promotion of NSTW.
National Stomal Therapy Week
National Stomal Therapy Week
National Stomal Therapy Week
National Stomal Therapy Week
National Stomal Therapy Week
National Stomal Therapy Week
National Stomal Therapy Week
The History of National Stomal Therapy Week.
In 1986 at the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists Congress in Perth, Western Australia, Mr Neal Blewett (Federal Minister for Health) announced approval for a week in June to be designated National Stomal Therapy Week. It was registered with the Health Department and was held annually beginning after the second Sunday in June.~ Keryln Carville February 2000, Updated 2004
To ensure a full week was able to be dedicated to NSTW awareness events, the Tasmanian Branch proposed that the dates of the NSTW be changed to avoid the Queen’s Birthday public holiday. The new dates of NSTW were agreed to be ‘starting on the Monday of the last full week of June’. ~ 2022 AASTN Annual General Meeting