Member Benefits
The Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses Inc (AASTN) is the professional body for stoma, wound and continence management nurses in Australia.
The many benefits of membership include:
The Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia (published and distributed quarterly)
The AASTN is comprised of State and Territory branches which provide forums for member support, discussion, education and governance which enable contribution to the local and national perspective
The AASTN national conference held biennially offers a stimulating and diverse program of presentations across the scope of clinical practice and an opportunity to develop professional links with clinicians from Australia and beyond

Research and writing for publication is encouraged and supported for members at every level of experience
Variety of Scholarship opportunities
Opportunities for networking outside the workplace, including international organisations e.g. World Council of Enterostomal Therapists
Opportunities for personal and professional development through committees and sub-committees
Access to the resources developed and maintained by the AASTN to support advanced nursing practice
Access to the Members’ Only section of the AASTN website
Online journal and resources