Code of Ethics


Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses Code of Ethics

All Stomal Therapy Nurses (STN’s) should recognise their responsibility to conduct nursing practice in a fair and unbiased manner, within established ethical frameworks and by managing any actual, perceived or potential conflicts of interest.

The AASTN Code of Ethics (2011) serves as a guide for STN’s to analyse situations and make decisions in an ethical manner, and to provide the highest-quality care possible to those that require their services.

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) Code of Ethics was adopted by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia in 2018 as the guiding document for ethical decision-making for nurses and midwives in Australia. The ICN Code of Ethics is a statement of ethical values, responsibilities and professional accountabilities that define and guide ethical nursing practice.

The Medical Technology Association of Australia Code of Practice sets out the ethical framework within which medical technology companies must work and guides their relationships with healthcare professionals and consumers to prevent any actual, perceived or potential conflicts of interest.

The AASTN strongly advises STN’s to familiarise themselves with the following documents: