Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia

Vicki Patton – Editor JSTA
Vicki completed her Graduate Certificate of Stomal Therapy through the College of Nursing in 1999. Her interests include pelvic floor, anterior resection syndrome and fistula management.
Contact details:
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Camperdown, Sydney, New South Wales
E: [email protected]

Lynda Staruchowicz – Deputy Editor JSTA
Lynda has worked at the Royal Adelaide Hospital Stomal Therapy Department for more than 20 years. She has a particular interest in faecal incontinence and was awarded the SA Premiers Prize in 2014 to travel to visit St Marks Hospital in London to work in the continence clinic there. Lynda has a Master of Nursing in Continence Management and a Master of Clinical Science in Evidence-Based Health Care.
Contact details:
Associate Nurse Unit Manager
Stomal Therapy Department
Royal Adelaide Hospital
Port Road, Adelaide
(08) 7074 1963
The Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia is a peer-reviewed journal, published quarterly. It functions as both an educational tool and a means of communication for AASTN members regarding available grants, scholarships and state branch activities.
Case studies, research, literature reviews and letters to the Editor are valuable ways of adding to the body of knowledge in our speciality, helping to develop or improve existing policy and improve standards of care whilst also providing personal and academic satisfaction.
The editorial team are here to offer advice and support at all stages of the publication process. Specific instructions can be found below on submitting an article for publication.
Vicki and Lynda
Copies of the Journal are available in the Members Portal.